Business Events
Eventful Endeavours has a lot of experience in arranging business events from hosting presentations for the launch of new services to regular business networking events. whatever your business requires we will be happy to assist.
Event Hire
Choose from a wide range of our event hire items, We have a range of games to keep your guests entertained. Sweet Carts, Great for adding a sweet memory to your event.
Event Support
Taking your business on the road can be costly and difficult to attract customers to your stand when there is so much for visitors to take in. Eventful Endeavours can help adviser or even attend events with you to help build attraction to customers.
“I’m thrilled you are here. Please stay awhile and look around. You’ll find inspiration and goodness.”
Eventful Endeavours
Newtown, Powys.
(555) 555-5555
Our Hours
Available when you need your services.
Office hours 10am – 2pm